For the first time, an animated series splinter cell, based on the popular game series, which we heard back in July of last year. Unexpectedly, during today’s Geeked Week broadcast, Netflix representatives shared a first glimpse of the upcoming title.
Check out below what the anime series would look like splinter cell.
Here’s your first look at the animated series Splinter Cell, an adaptation of a bestselling book Tweet embed Game.
Derek Kolstad, creator of the John Wick franchise, is ready to write the series.
# a week– Netflix Geeked (NetflixGeeked) June 11, 2021
According to information available at the time, John Wick’s character creator, Derek Kolstad, will be responsible for creating this production. He will not only be a writer, but an executive producer as well.
It should be noted that it has already been confirmed to be animated splinter cell You will receive a minimum of two eight-episode seasons (16 episodes in total). The release date of this production is still unknown.
When discussing the topic of Splinter Cell, it is worth mentioning the recent rumors that Ubisoft is working on a multiplayer game that will connect the world of Tom Clancy, that is, projects such as Splinter Cell, The Division and Ghost Recon. You can read more about it at this link.
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