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Everyone wants to take their place: what will the arrival of Lawrence Pocolini change?

Everyone wants to take their place: what will the arrival of Lawrence Pocolini change?

Today, at 12 noon, Laurence Boccolini will succeed Nagui in the animation for the game Everyone Wants to Take His Place. With some expected changes for viewers.

Following Nagui’s official departure on July 22 from “Everybody Wants to Replace Him” ​​after fifteen years in animation, Laurence Boccolini will take over the reins at France 2 starting August 9. The challenge prepared by Willow’s mother because of the criticism and comparisons that she will inevitably be subjected to.

“Introducing this format is no more difficult than moving another game. On the other hand, it is difficult to find a character like Nagui. No one will be able to forget him. […] Some are sure to compare us. Anyway, for two years I’m no longer on social networks, except for Instagram “, I recently captured it in columns 7 days tv.

New host, new rules

Fans of “everyone wants to take their place” can be reassured. The general dynamics of France 2 will remain the same. But production is still making some changes to start this new era. With the show’s logo changed in particular, as well as a new decoration with “giant petals in the shape of a laurel wreath symbolizing the protagonists’ distinction,” the series outlines in a press release.

The red hero chair has a new design, the scenography has been “revisited to better characterize the progress of the game”, the candidates will now be “arranged in an arc”, while the lights on the board will change according to the seasons.

A new sequence will also appear: Question for Everyone, or QPT, for the first round of the game. With the questions that will be asked simultaneously to the six candidates, which will make the fact that none of them can get a goal.

Depending on the production, this change will boost the pace of the show. “We will significantly reduce the duration of the first round, from about 30 to about 20 minutes. And we want to strengthen the last one, which is the time when there is more stake and more viewers,” one said in a press release.

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